6 dataset trovati

Licenze sulle risorse: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universale - Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0) Formati: WFS Tag: Elevation INSPIRE

Risultato del Filtro
  • Void Area

    Area of the Earth's surface where the elevation model is unknown because of missing input data. This area shall be excluded from a DEM.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Elevation TIN

    Elevation TIN
    • Geocatalogo
  • Spot Elevation

    Point spatial object which describes the elevation of an Earth's surface at a specific location. It provides a single elevation property value.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Contour Line

    Linear spatial object composed of a set of adjoining locations characterized by having the same elevation property value. It describes, together with other contour lines present...
    • Geocatalogo
  • Isolated Area

    Delimitation of an area of the Earth's surface where an isolated part of the elevation model exists. Its outside surroundings have no elevation information.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Break Line

    A line of a critical nature which describes the shape of an elevation surface and indicates a discontinuity in the slope of the surface (i.e. an abrupt change in gradient)....
    • Geocatalogo
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