22 dataset trovati

Organizzazioni: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige Tag: ANNEX I

Risultato del Filtro
  • Cadastral Parcel

    Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Aerodrome Area

    A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface...
    • Geocatalogo
  • Railway Area

    Surface occupied by a railway track, including ballast.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Airspace area

    A defined volume in the air, described as horizontal projection with vertical limits.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Fairway Area

    The main travelled part of a waterway.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Addresses

    • Geocatalogo
  • Man-Made Object

    An artificial object which lies inside a body of water and has one of the following types of function: - Retains the water - Regulates the quantity of water - Alters...
    • Geocatalogo
  • Administrative Boundary

    A line of demarcation between administrative units.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Cadastral Boundary

    Part of the outline of a cadastral parcel. One cadastral boundary may be shared by two neighbouring cadastral parcels.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Catchments

    RiverBasin: The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or...
    • Geocatalogo
  • Runway Area

    A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome/heliport prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Hydrographic Network

    Hydrographic Network
    • Geocatalogo
  • Administrative Unit

    Unit of administration where a Member State has and/or exercises jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Geographical Names

    Proper noun applied to a real world entity.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Cadastral Zoning

    Intermediary areas used in order to divide national territory into cadastral parcels.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Land Water Boundary

    The line where a land mass is in contact with a body of water.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Vehicle Traffic Area

    Surface that represents the part of a road which is used for the normal traffic of vehicles.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Hydro Point Of Interest

    A natural place where water appears, disappears or changes its flow.
    • Geocatalogo
  • Generic Transport Area

    Generic Transport Area
    • Geocatalogo
  • Waterbodies

    A body of water that is entirely surrounded by land.
    • Geocatalogo
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